Courtney Roulston first rose to fame after competing in Series 2 of Masterchef (2010). Prior to Masterchef, Courtney worked as a barmaid in her local bowling club. She did this for ten years before plucking-up the courage to apply for the show that would change her life...In 2011, Courtney set-up her very own successful catering company, with clients ranging from the 'Sydney Swans'- with 60 hungry mouths to feed, to private catering jobs scattered around Australia. Aside from her own catering business, Courtney also acts as an ambassador for Coles, participates in regular cooking demonstrations for both Bunnings & Coles & has her very own cooking segment on Channel 9's 'Mornings' with Sonia Kruger & David Campbell. Courtney also features in ‘The Food & Wine Show’ (2014 & 2015), which takes place all over Australia throughout the year.