Burpees: it’s a love/hate kind of thing.

Burpees. They’re the workout equivalent of going to the dentist: We know it’s good for us, but boy oh boy, do we dread doing it. Maybe it’s cause they’ve got such a ‘prison workout’ vibe?  Maybe it’s because they’re such an evil exertion of both cardio and strength? Whatever it is, few moves strike panic into the heart of fitness seekers quite like it.

What are they?

Burpees are a staple of circuit and boot-camp training, and they’re great because they require very little equipment and space. Individual descriptions tend to vary, but basically every burpee follows the same theme: squat, sprawl, execute a pushup, jump back to the squat position, and execute a vertical jump.

Why do they feel so awful?

Burpees spare no part of your body they really are a full-body exercise. They also include jumping. Not one, not two, but THREE jumps are needed to complete a single burpee. The combination of full body strength and the cardio involved means that both your muscles and your lungs will be complaining pretty quick.

Who’s loving them:

Pretty much everyone. From the CrossFit community to our workout crush Kayla Itsines, and virtually every fitness instructor, circuit trainer and boot camp sergeant out there.  

Why you need to do them:

If you’re struggling with motivation, here’s the quick run-down of exactly why burpees should be part of your regular fitness routine

  • A fast and effective way to get your heart rate up.
  • Uses every major muscle group
  • Builds stamina
  • Builds functional strength
  • Challenges the circulatory system
  • Encourages better coordination
  • Boosts your explosive power


While they’re never going to be easy, there are some ways to make burpees feel a  little less terrible. We’ve sourced these pro technique tips from CrossFit coach Erica Giovinazzo, via the greatist:

  1. Don’t rest. Pace. If you stop, it’s harder to get going again. So instead, pick a pace you can maintain for however many burpees you need to do, and don’t stop.
  2. Feet go before hands. shoot your legs back before your hands hit the ground.
  3. Turn on robot mode. Don’t think about how many burpees you have to do. Just go into robot mode, moving and focusing on one movement at a time.
  4. Breathe! Try and to get into a rhythm with your breathing, keeping your breath as steady as possible.
  5. Avoid common faults. Don’t arch your back to come out of the burpee, as this can cause an aching lower back. Don’t lose your range of motion – your chest should touch the floor in the push-up, and your hips need to open up all the way at the top when you jump. Try looking straight ahead as you stand up and jump— this can help you to remember to open your hips.

Not great for…

This isn’t a get out of jail free card. However, if you have joint mobility issues or are not yet strong enough in your core, trying to smash out 15 burpees may do more harm than good. Talk to your doctor if you’ve got any concerns. There are some modifications that you can try if you’re not quite up to the challenge yet, check out this great article on easy burpee mods from dailyburn.com