Salted Caramel Chia Pudding

Prep Time 45min
Total Time 1 hour
Serves 6 people
2 cups (500ml) milk (Cow’s milk, Soy milk, coconut milk or Almond milk)
2 tbsp (40g) Honey or Agave syrup
1 tsp vanilla essence
8 tbsp (80g) chia seeds
200g caster sugar
90g butter
1 tsp salt
120ml thickened cream or coconut cream
30g roasted peanuts

This decadent chia pudding has all the boxes ticked: it’s salty, sweet and creamy, topped with crunchy roasted peanuts.

Mix milk, honey, vanilla essence and chia seeds in bowl and set aside to gel for at least 20 minutes.

On a medium heat place pot with sugar. Allow to melt and turn a golden colour. Once golden remove from heat and slowly add butter. Be very careful as this is extremely hot and may spit.

Place back on a low heat and whisk in butter until butter is well combined and glossy. Remove from the heat, add salt and thickened cream. Put in peanuts and allow salted caramel to cool.

Once chia seed mixture has gelled and thickened and salted caramel has cooled, create a layered effect with chia mixture and salted caramel in glass or bowl.